Market Prediction

Strategic marketing process.

Answer: Strategic Marketing is the way a firm effectively differentiates itself from it’s competitors by capitalising on its strengths (both current and potential) to provide consistently better value to customers than its competitors. In principle it’s that simple, but it means a lot more than getting creative with the marketing mix. Strategic Marketing Process: The […]

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Discuss the importance of communication in service marketing.

Answer: Communication plays a key role in positioning an organization and its products in the market. It is used to; Elements of the Marketing Communication Mix Most service marketers have access to numerous forms of communication, sometimes referred to collectively as the marketing communications mix, a subset of the broader marketing mix. Different elements have

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Analyze the process of adding value to the core product.

There are potentially dozens of different supplementary services, but almost all of them can be classified into one of the following eight clusters; a) Information: To obtain full value from any good or service, customers need relevant information. New customers and prospects are especially information hungry; they want to know what product will best meet

Analyze the process of adding value to the core product. Read More »

Discuss about the demand and capacity management. Discuss the demand and capacity strategy.

Managing demand and managing capacity : Some capacity is elastic in its ability to absorb extra demand. A subway car, for instance, may offer 40 seats and allow standing room for another 60 passengers with adequate handrail and floor space for all. In short, there are several actions that managers can take to adjust capacity

Discuss about the demand and capacity management. Discuss the demand and capacity strategy. Read More »

principal uses of positioning in marketing management.

What are the steps of developing a positioning strategy? Answer: Positioning plays a pivotal role in marketing strategy, because it links market analysis and competitive analysis to internal competitive analysis. From these, there, a position statement can be developed that enables the service organization to answer the questions. “What is our product (or service concept),

principal uses of positioning in marketing management. Read More »

What are the key elements of service marketing? Discuss the differences between product and service.

Answer: Service marketing involves of marketing of something which is intangible and which is usually consume at the point of delivery. Booms and Bitner suggested three key elements for service marketing. These are discussed bellow: Key element of service marketing: People: Most services are provided by people, the selection, training and motivation of employees can

What are the key elements of service marketing? Discuss the differences between product and service. Read More »

What is service and service marketing? Discuss the characteristics of service.

What are the scopes of service? Answer: Service is any activity, performing by benefit that one party offers other party that is essentially intangible and it never changes its ownership. Services marketing is a sub field of marketing which covers the marketing of both goods and services. Goods marketing includes the marketing of fast moving

What is service and service marketing? Discuss the characteristics of service. Read More »


Answer: The term e-communication means electronic communication. When communication takes place with the help of electronic devices like compute and other means, it is called e-communication. It is mainly based on computer. According to Bovee and Others “Electronic communication is the transmission of information using advanced techniques such as computer modem, facsimile machines, voice mail,

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