Eugene O’Neill

Give an estimate of Eugene O’Neill as a dramatist.

Consider the achievement of O’Neill as a dramatist. Or Do you think that O’Neill is a successful dramatist? Give reasons for your answer. Answer:  O’Neill is one of the greatest dramatists of American Literature, nay of the world literature. The credit of securing international honor and recognition for the American drama goes to him. The bulk […]

Give an estimate of Eugene O’Neill as a dramatist. Read More »

What is interior monologue? Do you find any element of interior monologue in the drama The Hairy Ape? Support your answer.

Or What do you know about stream of consciousness? Do you find any elements of stream of consciousness in The Hairy Ape? Or Discuss the techniques of interior monologue or stream of consciousness as evinced in The Hairy Ape. Or “The horror of the present day predicament of the individual has been powerfully depicted in

What is interior monologue? Do you find any element of interior monologue in the drama The Hairy Ape? Support your answer. Read More »

Comment on the effectiveness of the end of the drama The Hairy Ape

Or What is the significance of the ending of The Hairy Ape? Or The drama The Hairy Ape has many merits, but an unimpressive ending. Discuss.   Answer:  It has enjoyed a great stage success. O’Neill was an original dramatist who broke away from the shackles of tradition. His novelties were rightly regarded as his merits,

Comment on the effectiveness of the end of the drama The Hairy Ape Read More »