Communication and Business Communication.

Business CommunicationAnswer: Communication is the process of sending and receiving a message between two parties.

According to Theo Haiman “Communication means the process of passing information and understanding from one party to another.

According to W. H. Newman and C.F.Summer “Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons”.

The simple form of communication is given below:

  • Sender
  • Message or Information
  • Receiver

From the above discussion we can say that, communication is the process of exchanging information between or among various parties.

Business Communication.

Business Communication is a special branch of general communication. When communication takes place between or among parties regarding business related functions, then it is called business communication.

According to Prof. W. H. Meaning “The exchange of ideas, news and views in connection with business among the related parties is called business communication”.

According to Brennan “Business communication is the expression, channeling, receiving and interchanging of ideas in commerce and industry”.

The simply form of business communication is given below:

  • Sender (Business Person).
  • Business Messages (Letters, Memos, Reports).
  • Receiver (Business Person, Publics, Customers).

From the above discussion we can say that, business communication is the process of sharing business information among business people.


Characteristics of Business Communication.

The unique characteristics of business report are discussed below:

  • Specific issue: Every report, including business one, is written on specific subject. It is written to fulfill certain need.
  • Pre-specified audience: An important feature of report is that it has specified audience.
  • Specific structure or layout: In preparing report, certain structure of layout is followed. The layout is almost same in every case.
  • Written on past event: Every report is prepared on past event. Most of the reports carry the reasons of happening the incident, the way of recovery, etc.
  •  Natural in nature: In drafting report, impartiality is strictly maintained. No biased or non- objective material is included in it.
  • Factual information: Business report is always prepared on past factual information.
  • Joint effort: A report is an outcome of joint effort of a group of people. No one can personally or solely prepare a report.
  • Orderly presentation: Report is prepared on the basis orderly presentation of information.
  • Upward flow: The direction of a report is always upward in the organizational structure. After preparing the report, they submit it to their boss or higher authority.
  • Signature and date: It is customary to put the signature of the reporter with date at the end of the report. It is prepared by a committee; signature must be given by each member of the committee.

From the above discussion we can say that; business report has some unique characteristics. It helps the respective business people to take pragmatic decision in specific business areas.

Differences between Business communication and General communication:

Business communication and general communication are two major branches of communication. There have some basic differences between business and general communication. These are given below:


Business communication General communication
  • Business communication deals with business related information.
  • It is more formal, direct and well organized.
  • There is no scope of using personal feelings and emotions.
  • It always deals with practical information.
  • It is impartial and objectives
  • Feedback is more important here.
  • Business message are kept as legal evidence.
  • General communication deals with the informal except business.
  • It is less formal, indirect and not well organized.
  • Personal feelings, emotions and opinions take most of the part of general communication.
  • Sometimes general communication may contain fictious information.
  • It may be partial and subjective.
  • Feedback is not so important here.
  • Personal messages are not always considered as legal evidence.