English Literature Study Guides Draw the image of the West Wind as a destroyer and preserver as you find in the poem ‘Ode to the West Wind’. Give a critique of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau Summary of A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen William Shakespeare | Analysis of Macbeth: Act I Hamlet by William Shakespeare | Hamlet full video What are the important theories of learning? Compare the theories with one another. Bacon’s prose style. John Donne as a poet of love. Symbols in Robert Frost’s poems. Give a brief note on When Lilacs Last at the Dooryard Bloome’d. Compare ‘Tintern Abbey’ with the ‘Immortality Ode’. What type of story is Bartleby the Scrivener? Is it tragic, or comic, romantic or realistic? Comment on the effectiveness of the end of the drama The Hairy Ape Biography of Christopher Marlowe Discuss the Character of Macbeth. Summary of Othello. «‹789101112131415›»