English Literature Study Guides Summary Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Briefly discuss the Maturation Theory of Eric Lenneberg. Discuss the major themes of the story Bartleby the Scrivener Write a note on O’Neill’s art of characterization. William Shakespeare | Short Summary of Macbeth: Act I Discuss the perspective on relations between the sexes in All’s Well That Ends Well Important Question and Answer of Agamemnon by Aeschylus. The Theme of Individuality in Robinson Crusoe. Discuss the role of God in Iliad. The Biography of P.B Shelley: Comment on the significance of the title of the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”. Disguises and changes of clothing of Twelfth Night. Briefly analyze the father-son relationship in Sons and Lovers. Write a note on Thoreau’s prose style as is evident in his essay Civil Disobedience. Biography of Alexander Pope William Shakespeare | Summary of Macbeth: Act IV, Scene 1-3. «‹121314151617181920›»