English Literature Study Guides Why Chaucer is called the father of English poetry? Discuss the character of Beelzebub in Paradise Lost. Allegorical significance of the Mariner’s sufferings in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”. Discuss the character of Rosalind on the basis of As You like It. Write a note on Shakespeare’s handling of tragedy. Sketch the character of the author or narrator (author) of the story Bartleby the Scrivener. The title of the drama The Hairy Ape. “Wisdom and whimsy join to make a poem that delights the mind and endears itself to the heart.” Substantiate the statement of Untermeyer about “Birches.” Doctor Faustus as a Morality Play | Christopher Marlowe Doctor Faustus as a man of Renaissance. Discuss Joseph Andrews as a picaresque novel. Importance of Being Earnest as a social satire. Character of Picola Breedlove in The Bluest Eye. Discuss The Theme of Jealousy in Othello. What autobiographical elements do you find in ‘Ode to the West Wind’? Explain the paradox that is involved in the expression “that government is best which governs least”. ‹1234567›»