Fashion design:
Fashion design is the art of the application of design and aesthetics or natural beauty to clothing and accessories. Fashion design is influenced by cultural and social latitudes, and has varied over time and place. Fashion designers work in a number of ways in designing clothing and accessories. Some work alone or as part of a team. They attempt to satisfy consumer desire for aesthetically designed clothing; and, because of the time required to bring a garment onto the market, must at times anticipate changing consumer tastes.
History of Fashion Design:
Fashion design is generally considered to have started in the 19th century with Charles Frederick Worth who was the first designer to have his label sewn into the garments that he created. Before the former draper set up his maison couture (fashion house) in Paris, clothing design and creation was handled by largely anonymous seamstresses, and high fashion descended from that worn at royal courts. Worth’s success was such that he was able to dictate to his customers what they should wear, instead of following their lead as earlier dressmakers had done. The term couturier was in fact first created in order to describe him. While all articles of clothing from any time period are studied by academics as costume design, only clothing created after 1858 are considered as fashion design.
It was during this period that many design houses began to hire artists to sketch or paint designs for garments. The images were shown to clients, which was much cheaper than producing an actual sample garment in the workroom. If the client liked their design, they ordered it and the resulting garment made money for the house. Thus, the tradition of designers sketching out garment designs instead of presenting completed garments on models to customers began as an economy.
Importance of Fashion:
Flowers Fashion is always considered the important part of our life. It has been following from the ancient time, as time passed by, the fashion trends changed. In the olden times, fashion was regarded as the possession for the high class people who party every day. But, as time and thinking of people have changed, the view about fashion also changed.
In today’s world fashion is accepted by people of all class and culture. Fashion is a word, which is recognized by all people of the society. India being a country of various culture and tradition has also accepted fashion in its own way. Fashion designers work hard to fulfill the wish of all people from various backgrounds. Following are some of the points which can highlight on the fashion and its acceptance:
Fashion and its Importance in Our Life:
The definition of fashion varies from one person to another. For some people, fashion is the latest trends in clothing’s, accessories, footwear and for others it may be latest food, lifestyle, etc. People who want to be up to date with the latest fashion follow various fashion magazines and media. Yes, fashion is very important in our life as it gives a good impression if we are dressed according to the latest style.
Fashion becomes very important if you are a working woman or man. Following the latest flowers fashion trend highlights your personality and gives classy looks. Therefore, fashion is very important in our life. Hence, many fashion designers work hard to create new designs, which can attract people and accept them.
Fashion and Style in India
India has always been the centre of fashion and many people all around the world follow various Indian fashion. India being a large country with diversity has different types of fashion in different states. From North to South, fashion is different in India. As the Western Culture is also accepted by the young generation, latest fashion trends have slowly entered India. Keeping in mind the various likings, fashion designers try to create Indo-Western outfits to style the new generation, which are easily accepted by the old generation too.
Common Accessories in Fashion:
Fashion is incomplete without accessories. Various accessories such as designer belts, clutch bags, bangles, etc. enhance your fashionable clothes. At the same time, flowers are also play a very important role in modern fashion, especially if you are wearing a beautiful wedding dress.
The latest fashion designers and stylists use various types of flowers to decorate the outfit in order to improve the look of the dress. Flower printed clothes are also considered very well for making a fashionable dresses.
Fashion Values and Beliefs:
Fashion values and beliefs totally differ according to the perspective about fashion. A true fashion designer values the beliefs of the people and designs clothes according to their taste. There are various values associated with fashion in different culture and designers need to incorporate them accordingly in their designs.
Designers should also take care of the beliefs of various cultured people associated with fashion too. For example, in India there are people with various cultural background and have their own value and belief whenever a new fashion is launched, therefore, it is the responsibility of the fashion designer to value the outlook of the people.
Women Beauty and Fashion:
Fashion is regarded as same to men and women equally, but women beauty and fashion is given more importance as they tend to attract many people. Therefore, every year various fashions are specially designed for women and are launched on a large scale.
Beauty also plays an important role in the women’s fashion. Hence, it is necessary to match the latest fashion with the help of various latest beauty trends too. Beauty may include latest make up or its products introduced in the market. Various matching accessories also beautify the outfit like belts, clutches, hair accessories, footwear, etc.
Fashion Online:
As this is an internet world, fashion can be easily located online. There are various websites, which offer fashion online and can be browsed as well as ordered from the comfort of the house. The latest trends can be followed through internet too.
Online fashion gives you a broad view about not only national, but also international fashion trends. You can easily shop latest fashion online and be the proud owner of the latest designed outfit launched recently!!
Therefore, from the above points we can easily follow the latest fashion trends as it improves our overall personality and gives a special place in the society. The latest accessories accompanying the outfit enhance the look of the dress as well as you too. As discussed earlier, internet plays an important role in introducing us to the latest fashion trends; therefore, we should make use of them too.